This argument was brought over to the drumming community when Rock Band came out. While it's colourful 4-pad controller was similarly dismissed by purists, there's no denying that the game forces you to learn realistic drum patterns. Subsequent controllers (such as the ION drum rocker) amended this lack of realism. Nevertheless, the game is not ideal as a drum learning tool in many ways:
- Firstly, the game's 5-lane limitation makes the notation MORE confusing for beginners since one pad can double as many cymbals, so students may have trouble recognizing when to hit what when it comes to a real set.
- It's coulourful animations and design suggests it to be what it is - a game. Parents would scoff if they saw their son playing Rockband in their $30/hour drum lesson.
- Drum charts cannot be created or edited. Wouldn't it be nice if you could ask your student to transcribe their favourite song and then play it for you?
The computer simulator DTX

Unfortunately, being a drum simulator, it does have its drawbacks: lack of online play, no free-soloing sections, few guitar simfiles. But for the solo drummer who looking for the most "realistic" drum game, DTXMania is the one.
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